my reccommendation is one pressure switch and 2 relays, i have always run the 80amp relays from stinger. they do the job great. however i have always run mine on a negative trigger with a 40-50 amp fuse on each of the compressors. run a 4ga or bigget from the battery up front to a 80-100 amp fuse holder less than 18" from the battery, then to a fused distribution block in the rear, then from there to the comps. ground one side of the pressure switch and run the other to the activation side of the relay. you will also need a 12v constant for the trigger on the relay. then take the groung side of the comps to one of the large posts of the relay and the other post goes to ground.... and.... the you have it a negative trigger system for the compressors...... i have done plenty of systems that way... it's easier on the relays that way...
and remember there are always more than one way to skin a cat.....