jeebus @ mmw
Originally posted by BaggedMazda87
Originally posted by Chopped Mazda
looks like a good start man.
ooo, and wait a few days before you make a decision on control arms, We have a new design coming out for our uni-joint arms, that are going to be prices the same as most peoples balljoint arms, and they will look super bad ass.
Ill have a final welded up version on friday, and ill post them here when i do.
Hey Taylor I was talkin to you on the phone bout the rear setup...would the mini-coil setup still work being centilevered parallel to the axle? And would coils AND accums make it ride better than with JUST accums?
alot of that is user preference, I personally like using mini coils and accumulators. Others like it without the coils and just accumulators.
you can still mount the cylinders with the mini coils parrallell to the axle, its all in how its installed.