Good luck on the Trim, Its next to impossible to find, I found some in a Junk Yard here in Vegas and they were really rough, just the 4 pieces for the rear fenders were 40.00 and another 180 in polishing. since the C30 trim was never repop'd, you'll either have to find good used peices or buy the new kit from LMC for a 3/4ton extra cab and cut the upper and lower bed mouldings to fit the fender trims. Also 77 was a ONE YEAR ONLY on trim accent color. It has a gold/yellow accent on the trim rather than your black accent. The only DS member I know who has this is Campy. I tried hittin him up on to see if he wanted to part with but never heard back. His trim is 77 ONLY. Good luck on the hunt for the "Illusive Pegasus" of trim for these trucks. You can get beauty rings and caps from some suppliers. Ill get back to you on that.