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Old School Minis \  where are they now?

where are they now?

Old School Minis General Discussions
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cavy66   +1y
What about this truck

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gimp5561   +1y
^^ where is that truck from i have never seen it
crunchytaco   +1y
the blue first gen dime(above) is located in aston, pa just south of philly. it just changed hands from the guy around the block from me to a kid in aston. havent figured out how to post pictures yet but here is a link(if it works ) to the truck as of this past summer.
DHAVEN   +1y
i would like to know who owns my old orange s10 ? i heard my old suicidal toy has been sold again . anybody know who ownes them or have any recent pix ?
DHAVEN   +1y
anyone know who owns or has any recent pix of my old orange s10 . i heard my old suicidal toy was recently sold to a new owner , anyone know who it is ?
gimp5561   +1y
Originally posted by DHAVEN

i would like to know who owns my old orange s10 ? i heard my old suicidal toy has been sold again . anybody know who ownes them or have any recent pix ?

last i seen your s-10 it was on ebay in somewhat ruff shape,it had been crash from behind shell was cracked.
sic68   +1y" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

bumper peeling" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

I can't do html maybe someone else can sorry.
bagtodrag   +1y
What ever happened to Freenman's old Yota? Repainted it then sold it to some youngster but haven't heard hide nor hair of this thing in like 3 years.

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bd94s10   +1y
Speedylowz ya Rob's Isuzu was cool back in the day. I hear ya on the billet grill. I wish it was still in our Florida ST Chapter but he had to sell it. We had it awhile in my boy's garage and were going to rebuild it. I found something the other day that was pretty cool - Alter Images back in the day sent me a VHS with a gang of old West Coast shows on it.. was cool to see the body dropped Lincoln town car etc on the VHS. Def a dope thread. I need to scan all my old school pics in. I didn't know that Caldwell's motor went in Blazerado... Later, ST FL Project SeverdU is coming - SEMA 2009
NRChopShop   +1y
dammit m getting old.....even I remember most of these trucks

The wheels are turning in my head.......whats the deal with Ernie's old Mitsu? Is it for sale, has it been beat to hell, Ernie's gayness stink the seats up?