Originally posted by WileyPDF
fucking genious!!!
I look forward to hearing how it sounds. are there any other concerns someone who uses it might have like emissions?
you are definitely on to something, just like your drop motor mounts and other ideas..... I wonder where you might find the time to market all of your genious? and even the rear brake conversion for toyota axles.
I forgot to mention that in the original post, but I did think about it. They most definitely won't be smog legal in CA at the very least. I don't know other state smog laws, so that would be left to your own judgment. However I am unsure if mufflers are smog approved in the first place? I have never really paid attention. I know in CA it is illegal to modify your stock exhaust system period, but exhaust shops do it all day. Its kind of a gray area as far as I know. And out of all the times I have been to the smog station (A LOT) they have never checked my muffler. I will ask the guy I go to smog for, hes pretty straight forward with me about the laws and how to bend them. Regardless, I will still sell them with the standard "For off road or show use only" phrase attached.