i'm wanting to re-clear a mailbox i did in school, but i've laid down a pinstripe on part of it. What can i use to scuff it enough for clear in that area, but not screw up the stripes? or will i pretty much need to go back over it?
A lot of pinstripe? If not I would use PrepNBlend/DX100 and a gray scotchbrite. You might be able to get away with white scotchbrite..But I never really liked them much.
Ive had blend panels with pinstripe, but not a lot. And this is the route I took.
Just dont go crazy with it and do it like a blend panel. Thats what the PrepNBlend/Final Scuff is for. Either way you have to watch out for sand scratches. But the stuff definitely helps
Now that I have thought about it. I dont even remember if DX100 was the name of the PrepNBlend that PPG made. Who knows I havent used the stuff in a year.
is the stripes on top of the clear? what kind of paint did u use, and if its oil based like 1-shot did u neutralize the paint, if not, when u go to clear it, the painted stripes will react w/ the clear and lift.
ive cleared over oneshot that wasnt catalyzed and never had a problem with it..done it when its fresh and when its set for a day or so...u shouldnt have to worry about that..just scuff it up with a gray pad like these guys said..just dont get too carried away..its not like its gonna peel off if you dont get it perfectly scuffed..cuz its just a mailbox...and wont see the abuse that a car does