if we had a minitrucker in for president it would go a lil something like this...
1. School Uniforms would consist of 13" Dickies shorts, a black shirt( or dickies workshirt), and optional flat bill flex fit cap.
2. School bus suspension must consist of 4 airbags, a bad ass cantilever setup, and layn hard frame or body.
3. the Hot Female teachers and all women a like should wear cut off tank tops without bra, and boy shorts underwear.
4. All U.S. highways must be Paved SMOOTH, and draggin of the frame must be allowed. Anything over 6inchs off the ground is grounds for citation
5. Gas Prices will remain one set price for at LEAST 2 full decades and should be set at "$ 99 cents P/Gal"
6.Taxes should be set to something better lol
7. You shall get an "Economy Stimulus" Check every month.
8. minimum wage set to "$48.76 Per/ Hour" with the cost of living at an all time LOW
9. Anything done to any vehicle should not be illegal but encouraged!
10. Beer/ Alcohol/ Gambling age limit set to "18" years of age... Because if you can be old enough to hold a fuckin machine gun you should be able to drink a freagin beer! Cause lord knows you need one!
11. All Bill collectors/ Bill period... should have a 30 Day Grace Period!!!
12. Marijuana Should be Legalized on the count that it hasnt been recorded that someone has died from it but helped from it.
13. If a someone who speaks a different language comes to the USA ...THEY should learn English... IF someone who speaks English goes to another country then and ONLY then should that person learn that countries language.
14. The rainbow is made up of all kinda great colors and shit... so for the gay community symbol to be the rainbow is greedy shame gays, the official colors should be the colors of a skunk.
15. And last ... Procrastinati