Edited: 5/1/2008 7:46:08 PM by XpapabearL
Here goes another heads up to every one and now across the states, specially IDAHO... Seems like dick drawing boy (Danny Albert- Albert Designs)has been pullin in scams and this time he has gone way too low... He has flipped the state of California and headed to Idaho... If you have read the other posting that I have written about him you will know what I mean if now go to the body work and paint thread and read about it... Danny is on the run because he is wanted by several people including myself for pulling scams... He has scammed people on over half a million dollars and now people are looking for him... He target Hot Rod guys more because older men that are into that hobby like to pay top dollar for their rides so please pass the word... Danny Albert scammed a friend of service members widow wife out of her insurance money and spent it all... He told the friend of the family he would do the designs for the shirts to Help him out with the line in honor or his late bestfriend and to honor those of us who serve our country... I take this personal... He has gotten too far with the scams and now they are looking for him so he fled the state of california and might be headed to Idaho... The clothing line was an idea of the bestfriend of the service member that past away in iraq... So he screwed the guy out of the widows money... I apologize for the misunderstaning and miss information I had posted up earlier... Please pass the word... The label is still trying to come up and being done so by the friend of the family... Help the family recover what they have lost by supporting the label...... As a service member I take this personal... But I just want to warn people about this asshole... Don't be the next victim... Pass the word out...