I forgot to look at your profile, I was thinking stock wiring.... I see the flush mounted ones....Who installed those? someone else, I am assuming. You'll most likely find the problem where they cut the wires to hook up the aftermarket tails. Clean that up by either disconnecting all the connections the guy made since they are probably not too good if you are having problems with it. And start over by doing it right with solder, heat shrink tubing, conduit and electrical tape to make sure that stuff dont ever budge. Before you fix the connections, take some jump wires from either your car battery or maybe even a 9v and test each wire to see what light it activates, then lable it. If you have any access to a wiring diagram for the stock harness, it will tell you what each color coded wire does. If not, what you do is while all the wires are disconected (and not touching anything metal to allow them to ground out) activate each switch (ie turn signal, brake, etc) and then take your multimeter and test each of the stock wiring to see wich one is hot with the switch turned on, then label. once you have both sides labelled, make your bullet proof connections and not worry about it ever again.
Curious, before you get into all that jazz, what happens when you put your turn signal on? Hazards? Reverse light? does that do anything?