the longer your bars the less your axle will move front to back in most applications... the reason I say that is because some people put the bags way up on the bars for more lift.. the more lift the more your axle moves front to back also.
also there are things like instant center to worry about.. there are some forums on here that go over those things.. but roughly if you took your cab off and streched a string from the center of the bushing that connects you upperbars to your rearend, and made the string cross the center of the bushing that mounts the uppers to your frame and continue to pull the string towards the front of the truck... and if you did the same to the lowers where the strings should meet is somewhere either at or beyond the front bumper... that isn't the only way you can figure where your instant center is but it's the easiest way to understand it with out trying to teach you triangulation formulas
hope this helps