Hang out with people you like, clubs aren't about a name or a sticker. Its about hanging out with guys (and girls) you get along with. People who like to go to shows, hang out, cruise, etc. People who you wouldn't think twice about putting up in your home if something happened to theirs or picking up off the side of the road if something happens to their truck.
A national club might be a good fit for you, or perhaps a club with just a few chapters, you gotta go with what you feel.
Personally I hang with (what I feel) is one of the best Local (no Chapter) clubs in the states, Low Rollers out of Delaware. It started out just going to shows and seeing eachother, hanging out at night etc. Then it turned into cruising to shows in the same caravan and driving people in the club who's rides weren't ready to show just yet. Now it's hanging out almost every weekend and constantly helping eachother out. Calling just to bullshit about a new modification or an upcoming show...
So to sum it all up... go with where you're most comfortable and where your friends are.