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Mini Truckin General \  this ever happen to anybody else? NEW PICS!!!!!!!!!

this ever happen to anybody else? NEW PICS!!!!!!!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jumbo   +1y
Edited: 6/2/2008 10:45:57 AM by sdime2372

Ok, i'm gonna keep this short cause it's damn near 4:30 in the am. I've 99% sure got my s10 sold, the dude wanted to buy it unfinished. He gave me a little more money to put it back together as much as i can (body panels, interior, etc) and he was going to finish it out. Well, i worked on it last night till 3am, tonight till 4am, and will probably be up all night tomorrow cause he's picking it up Sunday. Now all he'll have to do is make some brackets (fuse box, computer), run some new brake lines, fiberglass the a/c box (it's already cut), and do some troubleshooting (headlights and tail lights don't work, tails work on hazards, won't start) and he's got a sweet ass ride. Now i'm pissed cause i'm almost to the point in 2 nights that i've been putting off for almost a year. Anyone else got stories like this? I've been taking pics of the rebuilding process, i'll post them sometime sunday cause i'm tired as hell right now.
P   +1y
i've told you plenty of times fuck nut to get it done and every night you say how you never get progress or there is no way i only have 2 or 3 weekends left. no matter what, nothing motivated you till you seen the almighty dollar. now when you sell it, you'll realize how right I was for the 100th time. you'll regret it and i'll laugh at you.

p.s. sorry i missed your call, i was sleeping. i get up at like 430 now to head to work so i'm out around 9-930 my time.
1lownismo   +1y
Oh hush potter lol your always yelling at me that i sleep to much lol and then you say you were sleeping...hmmmm why dont you get your truck done already P as it is killing me to drive out there everyweekend lol you know the turnpike cost money and the gas is over 4$ here...get it done already lol just playing...ill be out there today again...
jumbo   +1y
yup, you're right. i got it back together about an hour ago, dude's coming to pick it up tomorrow morning. I'll post pics tonight or tomorrow, looks a helluva lot better than it has the last 2 years.
detached   +1y
Edited: 6/1/2008 4:42:59 AM by DETACHED

yea but i want new pics of the burban... well i still wanna see the dime but yea i wanna see some previews...sorry i know im a dick. just wanna see some of the stuff your doing to the sub.. however i know youll miss the dime i miss my hombre..
BankruptRam   +1y
So what are you sayin Jumbo? Now that its back together you want to keep it? Get that Burban done! I finally started putting my Camaro back together to sell it and now that its almost done I want to keep it!
fatboysS1O   +1y
yeah your prolly regretting it now not putting it together earlier so u could enjoy it but from hearing what youve said in our previous phone convos i think as soon as u get some cash in your hand youll forget about those regrets. yes you liked your s10 but overall its just been a big paper weight. use the money for fam stuff, wheels and tires, or anything else for you burb. then drive this one and have the fun you were supposed to in the s10. oh and potter is a homo!
jumbo   +1y
Edited: 6/2/2008 10:52:00 AM by sdime2372

Edited: 6/2/2008 10:49:28 AM by sdime2372

thanks for the props, fatass. potter is a homo who talks shit to my wife on aim about me never calling, then does'nt answer the phone whenever i call, lol.

Bige, i swear i'll post pics of the burb as soon as i get some. I can't get hold of the dude that has it, but i've told him before i don't care as long as he has it done by the middle of august or so, and he told me he will. Besides, it'll look the same on the outside, it'll just be much, much safer to drive and will look better on the inside.

Gavin, yeah, i kinda wanted to keep it, but then i thought about all the troubleshooting dude's gonna have to do and felt a little better. Engine won't start, headlights don't work, tails don't work except for hazards, i guess that's about it. But those problems could be fixed by plugging in a plug i forgot, or he may have to take the dash back out, which i would'nt wish on anyone. And as soon as i get the burb, the s10 will be a distant memory.

And if i'd have known it just took 3 nights of staying up till 5am then getting woke up by a 3 year old poking my eye at 7:45 to get it back together, i would have got that done a year ago, lol

so here's the pics, it went from this:

to this:

Bye bye, old pain in my ass s10! Hello new pain in my ass burb, lol.
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Jcfreeman0   +1y
if that were my mess of wires i dont know what i would do lol. carb small block i think lol. get rid of all the nonsense you dont need and rewire the rest. Lets see some progress on the burb!
Uncle Fester   +1y
Congrats man look like she is gone. Just remember all the rest of money she would have taken and much more work to be able to enjoy. You are now putting that money in a family hauler that you are making reliable so you will end up ahead. Good luck on the burb and ca't wait to see it done.

P.S. That sure is a lot of grass and nice view around you love it.