Hey guys
I just recently purchased this truck from a farmer that had let it sit for a couple years. little by little ive been fixing the odds and ends on it.
Im having problems with one of my fuel pumps (driver side). When I just fire it up and the truck is cold it will idle on the pump. Once I put any throttle on it, it will want to die on me. Then when the truck is warm it wont run on it at all. The passenger side tank runs fine so i just use that one. Any thoughts? Now ive tried looking for the fuel filter and i cant find it. I see the passenger filter just on the passenger rear door. Should it be in the same location? I thought about the oil presure scensor but if that was the problem then neither tank would work. right? Also both tanks read up to half full. When it gets to empty i just fill up again fearing that i will run out. But it only takes 13 gallons so i know theres still gas in there.
any help would be great. i know a pump will run me about $300. so im just trying to rule out all posabilitys before i get one..