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Isuzu \  running fuel line questions

running fuel line questions

Isuzu Make Specific
views 281
replies 3
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MDcrew208   +1y
Edited: 6/21/2008 6:31:39 PM by MDcrew208

so I am going to be running all new fuel line on my truck. Right now i have the stock line under my cab, then a small section of soft, then hardline on my rear clip back to the tank- (tank is mounted at the very rear) Anyways- I swapped to fuel injection (the 2.6) from carb'd motor and never swapped fuel line and I know the line on the 2.6 is suppossed to be bigger, I am wanting to run all new hardline from the front all the way to the tank. my question is, what size hardline do I need- I'm mainly looking for what size the feed line is-- ALSO- Ive been told 1/4" ID rubber line but when i look at hardline it shows OD-- should I use 1/4" OD hardline or maybe 5/16
infamous_dough_boi   +1y
on hard line the id is barely smaller than the od so you should be fine with the 1/4" hard line. the wall thickness is maybe a 32 of an inch at the most so it should be fine. are you running stock tank or fuel cell?
MDcrew208   +1y
stock tank.... i just wanted to make sure 1/4" is the right size too
infamous_dough_boi   +1y
should be right but you can check a fuel injected rodeo to make sure but i think thats right and you will more than likely need a pressure regulator to make sure the pressur is right for the injectors. not sure what the pressure is but a haynes book should be able to tell you. they have them at most parts stores and it may even have the fuel line sizes. good luck with it and let me know how it turns out.
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