well then get a mini truck with hydros. i know a bunch of hardcore mini truckers with juiced trucks. infact i got in the scene because of switches long time before bags were known. mini truckin isnt just a "look" its a life style, just like the "rice racers" your talking about, the ones that look the part arent really the real hard core rice racers i know guys that would spend their saturdays blowing up a motor in a grudge race, just to drop a new motor in the next day. my buddy races he honda hatchback and has never consider a body kit, wing or even paint job, he didnt get lured into the glamor side of the honda scene he got into it because he wanted to have the fastest honda, and in my opinion he has it. this dude went through 4 different single cam motors in like a couple months now hes got a crazy dueloverhead cam motor and cant keep in the car, breaks motor mounts from the tourque. its a beast. but its probably the ugliest honda ever.
but yeah if you want to hear the winding up of a hydro pump get hydros on your minitruck, nothing wrong with that,