I'm a certified welder where I work, but i do not know everything by any means. We use a Millermatic with .045 size gas wire. Unfortunatley, I cannot take my big projects to work to weld them. I have a licoln mig at home with .030 flux wire. I'm wanting to build some tubular bag brackets, so I cut a piece of tubing here at home, notched it, and welded it to another piece of tubing with my flux welder, I set everything up on my welder to get the best penetration i could get without burning through the pipe which is a little thinner than 1/8 inch. i welded it all the way around and the penetration was great, so I stuck the end that i welded to the longer piece of pipe and pryed on it till my back hurt and my legs tired out and couldn't budge the weld, i was just wondering if it would be safe under a load on a ranger.