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Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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JPeventsxx   +1y
Edited: 8/5/2008 11:46:00 PM by JPeventsxx

First of all I am celebrating my 20th year of participating and following the minitrucker scene. (Yeah I am that old)

Reading this month's "Hot Seat" section of Minitruckin really was a treat. Sure MT puts on great coverage and articles; however I really felt that this segment in MT was a good change and addition. (remember i've been reading this rag for a long time)

My suggestion for interview is John Salas from VC in Houston. This guy has helped out many promoters and is always ready to drop his pants to to prove it. More importantly a guy who will be the first to pull over to help out another stranded minitrucker. I don't care if he sported a mullet or hammer pants back in the day.

So thumbs up to Jenni & Mike for putting this together. It seems like the MT world is global now and it's good to get to know the different players in this game.


hotwheelbabie   +1y
Thank you JP for the very kind words. This article means alot to me personally for many reasons and I hope my extended MiniTruckin family enjoys reading it as much as I am enjoying doing it.

Please send all suggestions to me at and YES, John Salas IS on this list so get ready Mr. Salas...I am coming for YOU!!

Jennie Hendrex
Get Stroked,,
Freelance Contributing Editor/Photographer
MiniTruckin Magazine, Sport Truck Magazine & Street Trucks Magazine
acrotoy   +1y
i havent got my new minitruckin yet but im sure the article jennie wrote is great and i look forward to reading it,she really is a big part of this scene were in and i encourage everybody to meet and talk to her at a show and i cant wait myself to see you again jennie,just no more condoms this time,the last one cost me enough to fix,lol
FluffyFreak   +1y
Wyatt Strnage Jennie!!!! gotta put Wyatt on the hot seat!
KEG Media   +1y
Put BJ Mills on the Hot Seat. More people in the scene need to know BJ on a personal level and see how good of a guy he really is.
pugz   +1y
ya salas would be a good one to do. the interview could get outta hand though lmao
kustomharv   +1y
we need alexander on the hot seat! oh and kris and trae from kik would be a fun one too!
acrochicken   +1y
I didnt know Jennie could write? I just automatically thought since she couldnt read she couldnt write either........Kudos to M.T for helping out the less fortunate first they hire me the blind photographer, and now jennie lol j/k

Great work as usual Jenn look forward to seeing more, and if you are in florida friday stop by I am having this little thing called a wedding lol
HotRodDime   +1y
thanks jennie for doing such great stories, can't wait to see who's next!!!

iamagearheadru   +1y
I have to agree with JP, I too have been in the Mini Truckin Scene for 20 years now...1988...Whew.... But I think John Salas, if you can keep his comments mild would be a great addition, He has helped out so many of us in countless ways....I can see this Column really taking many great people in the scene. oh and some Shitty ones too....dont put those guys on the toilet...