only time i dont seal is if im trying to keep my blend in a really tight area, otherwise i like to seal with shades of gray depending on what the color calls can paint over a shade of gray primer and the same color gray sealer..and you will always get coverage in less coats over the sealer, i always prep my blend panels with 600 on the DA, and a superfine pad, and i always use a colorblender/wetbed,even if you sanded with fine enuf grit not to need a wetbed to fill scratches, you still need a wetbed to get your metallics to lay right in your blend, but we are talking black here so you dont need to worry about that.... never have any issues and been doin it for 8 years. wetsanding must be a thing outside of here..cuz i always see people doing it on here..only time i ever do is when im 3000'ing my 1500 grit scratches out before buffing. or if im really tryin to make something nice i may wet sand with 600 ..but not often..and what im sayin is applying to the system i use..which is ppg global...different paint systems can be drastically different in application techniques from one to another..