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Off-topic \  McCain vs Obama

McCain vs Obama

Off-topic General Discussions
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Wicked Fantacies   +1y
I believe there going to put in there who they want in there look at years past when the voter spoke then all the sudden the house over rules and has there vote and twist things around so F*ck voting. This country is in bad shape and theres no site at the end of the tunnel.
impounded dakota   +1y
political debate? on this site? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! with these fucktards? hahahahahahaha

hitncry   +1y
Edited: 8/31/2008 6:44:50 PM by hitncry

I don't think this should be in "Minitruckin General" It's more of an off topic thread.

Personally as of now I plan to vote Obama for a multitude of reasons. One being the fact that he's a really good public speaker, which might not seem like a big issue to some people, but I am so sick of watching our current president fumble over every sentence that exits his mouth. If you watch an Obama speech he doesn't fumble over his words at all. To me that shows a strong visual and audible sense of leadership in a very media driven America. I don't think people should believe that the next president will change the world overnight, but the idea of change over time for most americans is a good thing.

As far as experience goes he's got Biden. As well as the fact that there have been plenty of people in american history who have done great things at a young age, even in our lifetime. Bill Clinton (who i'd vote for if I could) was considered inexperienced when he was running and elected for his 1st term.

* Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a reported federal surplus.

* Clinton left office with a 65% approval rating, the highest end-of-presidency rating of any President that came into office after World War II.

* In August 1993, Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which passed Congress without a single Republican vote. It cut taxes for 15 million low-income families, made tax cuts available to 90% of small businesses,[37] and raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2% of taxpayers[38]. Additionally, it mandated that the budget be balanced over a number of years, through the implementation of spending restraints.

* In 1994, Clinton sent U.S. forces to Haiti as part of the negotiated restoration of Jean-Bertrand Aristide
post photo
onelowmini   +1y
Everyone cracks me up with the anti obama your homework. He is a normal person trying to help America. His record shows exactly that. But vote for whoever makes sense to you, bashing someone on here with stupid pics is not the way to help your country.
hitncry   +1y
Originally posted by onelowmini

Everyone cracks me up with the anti obama your homework. He is a normal person trying to help America. His record shows exactly that. But vote for whoever makes sense to you, bashing someone on here with stupid pics is not the way to help your country.

I totally agree Brian. Especially since the majority of people that post that way most likely won't vote and will probably complain no matter what the election outcome.
sadexcuse4s10   +1y
nobody gives a fuck about clinton anymore, and it makes no sense to want to vote for obama because you like clinton
gorillagarage   +1y
im voting for mccain cus he supports minitruckin

honestly they did take the time to buy ad time on streetsource who would have thought that the minkitrucker vote was that important
e10pvmt   +1y
i am not sure either is right...but i do know mccain is your research...mccain is the worst thing for this country...another 8 years of the same bullshit lies and fear for Obama raising taxes...i love it when people say his tax plan is higher...YES, YES IT IS....if you make more that 250K a year!!!!!....its all the rich fucks complainig OMG i have to pay higher taxes....YOU make more money and under repub rule you get to many tax breaks....the repub stance dosent work for the regular joe...but it helps coporations send jobs overseas and duck taxes with off shore your research people....dont just listen to Main stream media....and Mccains idea of middle class is those who make less than 5 Million a year......he is old and out of touch with the youth in america.....obama is the better choice but i cant say i will vote for him either.....we needed RON PAUL!!!!!

and this is about as proper a forum topic for minitruckers as religion

xxbdydrpdnissanxx   +1y
Those that think Obama is a Muslim are retards. He's not. Just more uninformed comments from people that have no clue as to what they're talking about...

If you're voting for Mccain because you think his VP select is hot, then you obviously need to get out more and get laid or something. Try

I don't vote, I never have and I'm not going to start with this election. But I can tell you that I'd never vote for McCain. I also think that it's time this country has a President that isn't a rich white guy as all 42 presidents before have been...

96FSChevy   +1y
This is probably the most important decision we're about to make so i think everyone should be fully informed. The guy in this video is Ron Paul. He is currently in the congress but was running as republican nominee. I dont think he's running anymore but if we ever want a real president again we should write him in. He's saying what everyone is thinking. This video is about an hour long that google did with all the canindates but you can also find some shorter videos where he speaks all over youtube. This guy is America's best hope.