Kris, you know that you and I have not always agreed, but I can tell your speaking from the heart. Thats a big first step into this site turning around. I hope that members here will lighten up a bit on you and not turn this into another hate thread, rather a thread with some thanks for the site, some info on changes needed, and thanks for what has been done. Change takes time and I know if Kris and others are commited to fixing it SSM can become something its never been before.
So I will start this off with a thank you from me. I met Shelly here, a woman that ive spent the last 7+ years with, started a company with, and someday will marry her. I owe that to SSM to some extent. I formed my business here, I formed friendships here that have lasted the test of time and will continue to. Ive even pissed off a few people here, but likely over something that was taken to serious, hey you cant win them all.
I look forward to SSM's future, you have my support.