I just want to apologize to all the folks I offended or upset during the whole Pat vs. Big ordeal. Last couple of months have been really crazy. I've been swamped at work, swamped at the shop, and sleep has become a luxury not a neccesity. I've apologized to Pat, and Tweeter (Owner of the Truck). Both have apologized to me as well as accepted my apology. There isn't anymore beef there....I just don't want everyone thinking i'm a cocky my truck is better than your truck hatin ass MF'er. That's how I came off and that is the exact opposite of who I am. I'm in this shit for the friends and family first....the trucks are just the icing on the cake. So come holla at me at a show and meet the real Big....not the bitchy tired PMSin internet Big. Sorry for the rant.....