Sometime around 4am this morning there was a fire in the building next to my shop. My shop (BYD Rod & Custom) is not a total loss and luckily I didnt have any customers cars in there. My car...Project T-Wagon suffered some damage, mainly smoke and water. The seats burnt and the fuel cell is warped. My lift caught fire but looks to be rebuildable. The 1982 Mazda had a hood fall on it but didnt really do any damdge, just got wet. My girls 1952 Chevy Dually was bare metal and is rusted pretty bad. We are still waiting on the investigators to determine the cause but it didnt start in my shop. The insurance company wont let us take anything out until they finish the investigation which could take another day or so. I will have pics up shortly and hopefully back in business by the first of the year. They have to put a new roof and walls on it.