It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to actually here someone speak of the artwork in the mag. It's sometimes overlooked. But if you like the Jan. issue. your gonna LOOOOOVE the FEB issue!!! Look for something new on every page and DONT FORGET, it's the Calendar issue, so go pick up a Newsstand issue for FEBRUARY to get the SIIIIIIIIIIKEST calendar to date!! I promise you wont be dissipointed! (and don't just rip it out like a loser either)
Thanks Chris
Originally posted by y2ksilverado
Edited: 11/4/2008 2:12:29 PM by y2ksilverado
Hats off to Mike and his crew for publishing an excellent January 2009 Issue of MTM! The art work, the layout, photos-- everything is top shelf. Of all the truck publications this one, in my opinion, has some of the best layouts and art work.
It isn