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Ask A Pro \  Hydro question

Hydro question

Ask A Pro Q & A
views 637
replies 14
following 10
twentyincholmes   +1y
Im new to the whole dros' thing, im used to bags, but recently got a ride on dros'. My first question is on the accumaltors, am I suppose to fill these when I install them? Also am i suppose to bleed the system of any air regualary? And if so how do I do that. Also the guy used Transmission fluid instead of hydro fluid, is this okay? Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

pmiller   +1y
I don't have an answer to all of your questions but I do know about the atf. You can use atf instead of hydraulic fluid. It's essentially the same. I wouldn't put hydraulic fluid in your transmission though. I know atf is used widely in the idustrial side of hydro's. Especially lift gates on box trucks.
Sorry to bust in on Max's thread...

DO NOT put transmission fluid in the hydraulic pump. There are additives and detergents that will eat through the o-rings. I personally would use ND30 or AW-32 hydraulic fluid.

And the accumulators should be charged with nitrogen. If they ride good you shouldn't have to touch them, they are maintenance free.

dragrocker   +1y
atf will destroy your o rings, and accumulators should come charged. and the air in the lines should go into the tank and out the breather cap if you have one.
gorillagarage   +1y
yup nd30 always i worked at a hydro shop in high school and we always bled the system. i know some people dont and never had problems
twentyincholmes   +1y
thanks for the replies, and the ride is kinda bouncy, but I dont know whats normal on hydros. How do I know the accumalators are filled with nitrogen? There is a screw cap on top, with a hex underneath the screw cap.....
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y
Is this a brand new installed setup? The cylinders may need time to break in before it starts to ride nice. Accumulators set up properly should ride like a stock some cases better. If there is a hex under the plastic cap then chances are they came pre-charged. What type of accumulators are they? What vehicle is this in? Where did you get the accumulators?

Revolutionary hydraulics are coming...
twentyincholmes   +1y
It was a pre-exsisting instaltion, a fitting broke off the accumalator, and I had to re-install it after I got the new fitting. I heard hydros can ride better then stock, I hope to achieve that, but so far its been nothing but head achs, ive already srpung 2 leaks, and 1 I believe is in the cyclinder itself.....
Post some pics and I'm confident that all the problems (which are all likely easily fixed) can be diagnosed.
smithchassis   +1y
im glad someone got to him... as said before trans fluid will not work because of the detergents and such... kills seals and o rings... nd30, or aw 32... like derek said post some pics, im sure the cylinder leak can be fixed with a removal of the cylinder and new seals put in, it can be messy at times but with the right seals in it... they will last forever... its one way or the other with hydraulic set ups, either they are horribly installed or installed with care, and not hacked up. do you know what the kit is that is on the truck? what company did the cylinders come from, post pics and give us more info and we will help ya out