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General Discussion \  YEAHOOOOOO


General Discussion
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replies 6
following 5
pig rig   +1y
I'm getting laied off tomarrow
I'm already starting my list of projects
1.finish moving to my new shop
2.start work on my truck some pictures here
4. mow lawn
5.get drunk and find a new girl freind
thats my out look for the next (I'm thinking) three months
lockone   +1y
bdydrped   +1y
sounds like a plan... but are you sure its not supposed to be worded "get girls drunk so they will be my friend" as step 5

either way good luck with your conquests and hope your current g/f dowsnt see step 5 which ever way it might go down.
low95xlt   +1y
damn i wish that would happen to me
pig rig   +1y
well I cleaned out my desk friday then developed an eye problem saturday(I couldn't see going back ) that left me with six cases of beer two U-HAUL trucks and eight budys we had my shop moved in about seven hours . F*&KING SWEET
I got to work on my truck all day ( more like look for tools all day and put stuff away so I can find things )

Iv'e got 4000sqr.ft. to loose shit in and fill up with crap?
the abillaty to walk all the way around a project and not have to move it out side so you can work on something else is so cool

dragnasty   +1y
Nice! Now lets see some pics of the progress!
pig rig   +1y
pictures of what? All the shit piled in the middle of my shop floor
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