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Off-topic \  not about mini truckin or anything

not about mini truckin or anything

Off-topic General Discussions
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ExplicitCon3   +1y
sept 7 05 i lost my dad and for some reason it home tonight and i just cant get over it and i just need the love and respect from fellow brothers to help me get thru this cuz i have no one to turn to so make this a good thread to make me feel better. you wanna post tits i dont care hahaha. thanks in advance and my no means am i tryin to sound like a sissy its just that after 3 years it finally hit me so if you wanna make up some dumb shit i swear if i ever meet you ill punch you in the mouth.
tlw32882   +1y
keep your head up dude. it will get easier to deal with, just dont turn your feelings to anger, that will get you no where.
thatsmydawg   +1y
just think of all the good times. itll be rough for the first few years but as time goes by youll remember him as a good man and itll be easier to cope with. hell sometimes you might even cry when you think of all the memorys how funny shit was and youll feel sad that hes not here and may cry a little my g-ma was like a best friend to me we could talk about anything when she died it felt like my life was over just keep your head up and think positive and youll be aight in no time
Severed701   +1y
i know the feeling bro...back in 05 we lost my mom,grandma,aunt, and grandpa all within that year...not a day goes by i dont think about it and there are days i struggle alot with it...just gotta keep busy with all the other things in life and try to only thing of the good, not the bad
maz duh   +1y
Maybe a bit of time with a counceler would help you out a bit. They can help make sure that your dealing with your feelings in a proper manner and not just pushing them down inside. My ex went after she lost her mom and learned some coping methods to help her through it. Check your local phone book, I'm sure you can find someone to help. Keep your head up and try and remember the good times you had with your pops, I'm sure thats what he would want for you.
Masi2003   +1y
i know how you are feeling right now man, February of this year i lost my best friend. we were friends since we were 6 yrs old, always been there for one another. I fought off going to counciling for a while but i got more angry and closed off from people. i did end up going and it did help me, if ur thinking about it check it out. i was able to get counciling through my job idk if u can do the same thing or not.
My counciler told me that you may get over the initial feeling of the loss, but it may be 3 weeks later or 3 years later that you see one lil thing or think of one lil thing and it all hits you like a brick wall. and it does, cuz that just happened to me, my friend died in a car accident, he slid out of control and hit a snow plow truck. it hit me really hard the first snow of the year this year.
Remember all the good times you guys had, man. Share stories that you have had with him, they usually help. Talk to him you need to, remember he is always there with you.
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