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Off-topic \  people who know alot about laptops!?

people who know alot about laptops!?

Off-topic General Discussions
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PerfectPoise   +1y
I'm trying to buy a laptop and I need to know the basics to look for. Since everything I look at tells me harddrive, ram, etc...can anyone tell me what is a good minimum or so to look for? I use it for school, browsing the net (quickly),downloading music and movies and being able to save stuff without slowing it down. What would be a good starting point when it lists all that mumbo jumbo to me?thanks for any help
jumbo   +1y
dude, check out the hp g60-125NR notebook from best buy. It's $550, got a huge widescreen, full size keyboard with built in number pad on the side. I'm on mine right now, i got it for my wife. It's got everything you need, 3g ram, 250g hard drive, built in wireless card and built in webcam. Also, a dvd/cd burner/drive.

If you want small, i've heard nothing but good things about the Acer Aspire from wal mart, $350, 1g ram, 120g hard drive, 8.9" widescreen, built in webcam and built in wireless card.

Either one of those would be sweet for what you're looking for.

I also reccommend getting a WD Passport 250g portable hard drive (now $99 at best buy), i got mine a year ago and it was $179, but i have about 3,000 songs and appx. 1,000 hours of porn movies on it and it's only about half full, lol.

But to answer your question, in my opinion, the main things to look for is:
1. Ram
2. Hard drive size
3. Built in wireless

In reality, just about anything you get nowadays will be pretty good. Geting that portable hard drive will help (it only has a usb cable so you don't have to plug it into the wall or anything), it's very small, and you just save stuff to it instead of saving on your computer, that keeps your computer memory free for running stuff. And if you can afford it, get an Apple, with Mac products, you don't have to run any kind of anti virus or anti spyware because they're not affected by those (all virus/spyware code is for pc, ie. microsoft).

Hope this helps
fatboysS1O   +1y
the next laptop ill buy.
post photo
PerfectPoise   +1y
i totally forgot i posted this but its funny because after informing my mom what to buy, that HP is the exact one she bought from walmart though. And now im super stoked for xmas...wooooothx buddy

Originally posted by jumbo72

dude, check out the hp g60-125NR notebook from best buy. It's $550, got a huge widescreen, full size keyboard with built in number pad on the side. I'm on mine right now, i got it for my wife. It's got everything you need, 3g ram, 250g hard drive, built in wireless card and built in webcam. Also, a dvd/cd burner/drive.

If you want small, i've heard nothing but good things about the Acer Aspire from wal mart, $350, 1g ram, 120g hard drive, 8.9" widescreen, built in webcam and built in wireless card.

Either one of those would be sweet for what you're looking for.

I also reccommend getting a WD Passport 250g portable hard drive (now $99 at best buy), i got mine a year ago and it was $179, but i have about 3,000 songs and appx. 1,000 hours of porn movies on it and it's only about half full, lol.

But to answer your question, in my opinion, the main things to look for is:1. Ram2. Hard drive size3. Built in wireless

In reality, just about anything you get nowadays will be pretty good. Geting that portable hard drive will help (it only has a usb cable so you don't have to plug it into the wall or anything), it's very small, and you just save stuff to it instead of saving on your computer, that keeps your computer memory free for running stuff. And if you can afford it, get an Apple, with Mac products, you don't have to run any kind of anti virus or anti spyware because they're not affected by those (all virus/spyware code is for pc, ie. microsoft).

Hope this helps

jumbo   +1y
funny story, the wife wanted a pink one, and right after i bought this one, i got an email from work saying they were installing tracking systems on our work laptops to track what websites we visit. uh oh, no more porn on the work puter!!! so i got her a gateway that's exactly like this one except it's a little smaller, no number pad, and it's pink with brushed aluminum keys and highlights, pretty sweet. Also, i got $150 off because i bought it in the store, so it ended up being less than this one. The awesome thing is now we both have laptops with built in webcams so i can see my girl while i'm on the road, get to test it out tomorrow, i can't wait. Hope you dig the laptop, dude, i'm enjoying the hell out of mine right now.
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