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Mini Truckin General \  Garage Floors

Garage Floors

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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What do you all put on your garage floors to keep stains off the concrete? I know epoxy and stuff but its to cold to lay that down. What ideas do you all have?

Uncle Fester   +1y
I use a creeper depending what you do in the garage will dictate the coating.
low mazda   +1y
fester that's what the bedroom and the dryer are for..

I am going to tile mine with the PVC tile like in school lunchrooms, and then if you spill something, mop it up or just wipe it with a rag if it's not too big of a spill
Thats not a bad idea Blitch.... Im also looking for something thats not slcik when it get liquid on it

cold_carcass   +1y
Epoxy floor coving is a nice touch and is easy to clean spills it's a good investment or just try Pour-N-Restore Oil Stain Remover.
DougyFrisch   +1y
i was actually just talkin to a friend of mine over in floor coverings the other day about this (i work part time at a hardware store btw, lol) and i saw the 12x12 tiles and asked how they would hold up in my garage. and she informed me that the indiviual tiles are actually realatively weak and break really easy, so if you drop a few metal tools your prob gonna start gettin chips and cracks. and not to mention it would be a level surface due to the grout. She recomended the laminate flooring, its one large sheet, they got it in all the colors including checker board and it's very durable. and not to mention flat with no grooves every 12 inches....
pocketchange   +1y
the only problem with laminate floor is when you roll something heavy over it on a jack or a motor stand, ect. it can actually cause it to rinkle and then tear. I have the opoxy paint done in my garage, it looks good and cleans up well until you start welding over top of if. Then i relized it will burn off just like any other paint and then starts to look like shit again! so good luck with this!
KNDAlow   +1y
we had the epoxy in my old garage and it was awesome, going to be putting it down in the shop thats being built at our new house. My only concern with those tiles would be welding over them. I dont know what kind of work you have in mind but, that is what kept us from using them in the past.
DougyFrisch   +1y
Both are you are right also, that laminate would suck cause if you leave something in one spot for too long it'll leave an imprint if it's heavy enough.

and yes, welding on either type of flooring would just fuck it up a lot more and look a lot worse then concrete. i think your best bet should be the epoxy floor covering, that shit is just clean lookin too. but i'm still a sucker for a checker board floor
dirtyd97   +1y
i installed flooring for a few years personaly i think the epoxy coating is the way to go. Covers nice and it looks ok easy to clean another option is VC tile. There hard and stain resistent and if u damage them you can cut them out and put a new one down but they can be a little soft and the joint on a shop that is used alot can get a little dirty but they come in hundreds of colors