No, no, no.
That happened out here on P.C.H. a couple of months ago. He was racing a Mercedes McLaren (or something like that) when he came over the top of a hill, he got airborne and clipped a telephone pole. The owner claimed he wasn't driving. That it was someone else, who he only knew as "Dietrich". The police found blood on the drivers side airbag and the "passenger" had blood on his lip. To my knowledge, they never found the driver of the Benz, or the alleged "driver" named "Dietrich". Actually, I think the cops officially called "bullshit" on his story.
The owner is being investigated for fraud/GTA. He apparently was the CEO of some software company overseas that went belly up. So, he shipped both cars over to the U.S. to avoid them from being repo'd. The bank holds the titles on the cars in question, and they say he took them out of the country illegally. Hence the GTA charges.
IMO that asshole got off easy. For those that don't know, P.C.H. (Pacific Coast Highway) is very busy. He could have easily killed somebody's Dad/Mom/Sister/Wife. I see crap like this all the time. That sack of shit should have burnt to death in that car. What gives him the right to drive like that (well over 120 mph) on a busy highway and put everyones life in danger?
See below...