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Mini Truckin General \  lets see some slammed minitruck RVs!

lets see some slammed minitruck RVs!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 20
following 14
standardbyker88   +1y
okay, so i doubt many are out there but lets see some. there is a 78ish toyota chinook up the road at a car lot. id love to see one in the dirt. the newer ones too. or whatever other companies converted them. or uhaul toyotas. haha, hell it doesnt have to be a yota.

dually suspensions are a plus.
standardbyker88   +1y
or...van based rvs. anything that used to be a truck or passenger vehicle that some company made into rvs.

for the record, ive seen the old blue bus and the yellow chevy short bus. post a couple of each if ya got them but i dont need tons.

bdydrppup   +1y
i work at an rv repair shop. bad thing is in 9 years ive only seen about 4 toyota rvs come in. alll have been 87- trucks. one was for sale and i wanted it badly jus to lay out lol. but my bank account didnt suport the ive also seen a datsun 620 rv. i will warn you, they are all dogs on power.
bigmike@gauge   +1y
there is a 82-83 s-10 rv between the store and my house that is crying out for the dirt. The guy has 3 other newer rvs out there Im just waiting to catch him outside and ask about it.
mmh2006   +1y
not a truck rv but still pretty kol. prolly would lok pretty kol layed out. saw it when i was drivin an just had 2 turn around an go back for a pic lol. only time ive saw it.

post photo
sinful-one   +1y
Do camp trailers count.

cheese   +1y
standardbyker88   +1y
ive seen the camper trailer. the one up the road seems to be a dolphin after a bit of research.

looks alot like that one. corrigated sides and a big overhead area over the cab. i also remember the rocker and camper being about even at the base. it would be cool to make it dually. just for the hell of it. and a small gas powered generator would be super badass for it. make the inside modern-er. flatscreen and no wood pattern. anywhere. i gotta find out what they want for it. if i find one i dont want a 22R though, because with autos in truck form they are gutless. cummins or a 4.3 would be a nice alternative. leave it bone stock outside. total sleeper for when you lay it out.

heres some info on them.
brad0069   +1y
jeez I thought I was the only one who wanted something like that!