fbss = 8 valves. i recommend asco valves.
youll need compressors. how many is up to you. i recommend viair. or you could use a edc.
youve got tanks. id just go with 1 of those 7 gallon tanks.
youll need a switchbox of sorts. a rocker switch box, big ass 10 switch box, push button switches, paddle switches, just whatever u prefer. i recommend a rocker switch box.
just get u a 50' roll of 1/2" line to cover all ur mistakes since u seem to be new to all this.
when it comes to fittings id recommend ptc fittings. theyre easy and dummy friendly.(thats why i use them) when u get everything layed out like u want it then go back and look at ur setup and make u a fittings list. i could make u a common kit for a fbss setup but it never works out right. u always have to go back and get an extra fitting or so. so just make a list when ur ready.
u dont have to have a pressure switch but it kinda simplifies things. u can have a simple on/off switch for ur comps if u want.
if u do the on/off switch youll need atleast one gauge to check ur tank pressure letting u know when to turn on/off ur comps. some folks run gauges even with pressure switches. others run gauges to each bag so they can watch the psi in each bag. so...whatever u wanna do.
u said u need everything but bags.....take this time to go back and look at the bags that came with the truck and see if they are still any good. see if there cracking/splitting/or have been rubbed any. if so replace them and fix the area if they are being rubbed. also look over the entire suspension setup and make sure its safe/road worthy.
check out
www.gravity-werx.com for everything listed above.