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Ford Trucks \  ranger questions

ranger questions

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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chopedmazda   +1y
my boy just picked up an 85 ranger for 600 runs and has a straight body. but i have some questions whats the easiest and sheapest way to lower these trucks? i have no experience with these im a yota and mazda guy so help me out. and maybe post some pics of some airbag setups
kaoss   +1y
search for "toyota front clip"
gimp5561   +1y
first off you need spendels and drop beams from a 89 or newer they have better adjable.. then it all depends on how far you want too go
tuckin eh   +1y
no such thing as a drop spindle for a ranger of any year. if he just wants to static drop it he can run 3" dropped I beams in the front or combine them with 2" coils. anything more won't be allignable. for the rear a flip kit is easiest however they make dropped leafs and shackle/hanger kits for them. you can add blocks to the flip kit for more drop too. if he's baggin it, then the dropped I beams are a must. DJMs are the best.

seeing as tho the truck is an 85 he may have trouble finding a cheap set of used beams. in which case he can use beams off of a 89-97 ranger. the difference is he'll also need the spindles off of the same year. the 83-88 rangers had the balljoints pressed in the beams and the 89-97 had them pressed into the spindle.
standardbyker88   +1y
yeah, they can suck to align. but ive heard good things about the djm beams. for rangers and fullsizes. id also go with the newer stuff. you can get them lookin good though, i say do it. post some pics.
cold_carcass   +1y
If your going to run 20's and bag it your going to have to do a Toyota clip up front with drop spindles or a Mustang II. Anything lower than a 20in wheel you can bag on I-Beams which there are full complete kits out there you can buy which will have right at everything you'll need. Suicidedoors has a good I-Beam kit if you want to go that route.

Pre 1997 Bag Bracket kit
slammedxonair   +1y
you can run beams and 20s if you want, just takes a little more cutting. as for suicide doors i wouldnt run those brackets on anything over a 17 with low pros. M2 and yota clips are nice for better camber though.
menace   +1y
Originally posted by slammed x on air

you can run beams and 20s if you want, just takes a little more cutting. as for suicide doors i wouldnt run those brackets on anything over a 17 with low pros. M2 and yota clips are nice for better camber though.

What all else needs cut to lay on 20s? im pretty sure i can fit 19s in the front of my truck,
slammedxonair   +1y
need djm beams, and notch the engine crossmember, the frame for the ibeams and the tie rods.
automatik23   +1y
to lay 20s, you can make a new i beam mount, and either notch your oilpan(careful not to hit the crankshaft) or notch the i beam and re plate it, i have djm beams notched to clear the oil pan, the problem with layin out beams on big wheels is the camber. also the bushings on the end of the i beams where they mount to the frame need to be swapped out for heim joints because when the beams go up to lay they also rotate back slightly becasue of how beams work, but its enough to snap a bolt due to the lack of articulation that bushings provide unlike heims that articulate. this is why the suicide doors anf fbi upper i beam bag brackets are supposed to be mounted a little angled towards the firewall. hope this help, message me if u need anything else

o and dont forget the trans x-member and radius arm relocator kit, and kit rid of the factory gas tank
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