--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by ih8bumps I think the overall idea is cool, but it honestly looks like the old graphic disorder site. Plus most of the images look grainy and un sharp. Kind of looks like the site is still being worked on and not ready to be published, just my opinion. It’s good to see a change though from what it was. It used to look very 80 mini truck, lol…
--------------------------------------------- Unfortunately when you have site that has as much content as this one, you have to bring the image quality down as far as you can. Its not like common web sites that are only displaying one or two or three thoughts, this sites has more content on almost anyone page than any site in the scene. But I feel you. Every site can almost always use more time to tweak it. For the record though, I didn't choose the background pinstriping, the colors, or the layout, just helped him with input and made the headers. Which had to be brought down to lowest possible quality on a site like this that 1000's of people are loading at the same time to help with bandwidth/etc.