Im in the process of building the floor on my BD 4runner, I was wondering what gauge sheet metal would be best to use? Im building a frame out of 1x1 and 1/2x1/2 box tube so the sheet will be laid on top of that.
Factory floors are 18-20, 16 guage cold plate would be very strong and good to use if you do not plan to put beads in it or do anything other than have a flat floor. If you want shapes go with 18-20 and throw beads in it for added strength.
yep youd def be ok with 16 or 18 gauge especially with the steel frame you are making for go with cold rolled sheet too, that hot rolled junk is just freakin nasty and hard to grind that black junk off
depending how dense the framework is under, id go with 18 or 20. beads are a nice addition. if you have alot of time but not a roller, cut ones from the factory floor to add back in. haha.