Edited: 1/10/2009 10:14:41 AM by DougyFrisch
Well your on the right track as far as needing a high res photo, cause a lower res will def. cause some killer choppy lines. And your also right again, there is a setting that you may be missing on the poly lasso tool, it's called "anti-alias". it basicly softens up your lines for you so you can avoid that choppy edge. depending on your version of photoshop, it should be along the top options bar after you select your tool, and it's not just available for the poly lasso tool, it's used with many other selection tools to help keep things soft. below are a few quick samples to show you what anti-alias can do for a line... hope this helps you out at least a lil bit and gets you pointed in the right direction. Rendering looks good btw, just keep up the practice and you'll start to figure out all the lil tips n tricks...