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Mini Truckin General \  Little Shop Spike Truck (official thread)

Little Shop Spike Truck (official thread)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1080
replies 53
following 51
LittleShopLackey   +1y
OKAY....  Here's the skinny.   I'm just relaying this info direct from an email Eric sent.   If you have questions or comments that in anyway "question" what happened or why Eric does stuff the way he does, email him.  Don't be shocked if he doesn't feel the need to explain himself though 

" I was drilling a small hole in the gas tank to drain the water that had gotten in it so I could then tap it for a plug.  The gas ignited when it trickled down inside the electric drill.  (should have grabbed the air drill ! )  I ran out of extinguishers (photo) and then called the fire department.  It's a good thing they are next door. "

chris03hd   +1y
Even all chared up like that, its still an awesome truck!   Sorry to see it in that state though.

gsrb20b   +1y

I think I am going to be sick.

dragmatic   +1y

Very unfortunate. It could easily have been the entire shop but I'm so very glad it wasn't you or anyone else and nothing else was damaged.

still2high   +1y

Damn. i love that truck. i hope everyone is ok. is it rebuildable?

GraphicDisorder   +1y
Now for the few that ruined the first thread, some advice.  Dont try it this time....    Its a shame what happend, however I am glad nobody was hurt and its just a truck and can be replaced. 

SoloSpecialties   +1y

glad to here he is ok,everything else is replaceable.

jasondragthatshit   +1y

that just makes me want to cry

jdauer02   +1y
that sux.. at least Eric is ok and the shop is still standing.

avs_jason   +1y
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................ PLEASE tell me you are going to rebuild it.