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Full Size Truckin General \  Street Trucks next cover???

Street Trucks next cover???

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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Jance Customs   +1y
Edited: 1/30/2009 9:57:10 AM by GraphicDisorder

This was just posted over on Street Trucks myspace page.


Originally posted by SenorSocko

Well, as you can imagine, my phone has been going off the hook....the myspace page password/etc.. is known ONLY to a certain person out there, thats why that posting is put on there...I will leave it at that. That certain person has caused some trouble with us in the past and we are no longer working with them.
As for the magazine, I can tell you we are in better shape than than some other companies out there right now as our publisher is not driven by a billion dollar debt. We are actually invested in the magazine/other titles recently. We hired a few more sales guys (not laid people off)
Starting with the April issue that we are wrapping up right now, we are ADDING 32 pages to the magazine!!!! That will put us back above Mini Truckin and Sport Truck and if the rumors are true only 30 something pages behind Truckin

Street Trucks is FAR from dead, some people out there just cant let things go.


prorida   +1y
I don't get it. street-trucks is my favorite rag. since I'm a full-size guy MT is awesome but it doesn't really cater to me. may that's why i haven't herd anything about my feature. lol or at least i can think that.
LaidNeon   +1y
wonder if its true??
standardbyker88   +1y
i dunno. my buddies silvy was supposed to be cover sometime, dunno when. its already been shot.
impounded dakota   +1y
Edited: 1/30/2009 1:10:23 AM by impounded dakota

Well, in all honesty, allmost all rags are "thining" right now, and almost all business are hurting on some front.  I personally don't mind streetrucks, and passing satire along like this seems missguided, in my opinion.  If you agreed with this point of view enough to repost it, why not apply for a job there, in an attempt to make it better?  edit:  wow.. i stand corrected, if this is how they are really approaching thier, readers... i'm confused tho, this just doens't seem, right, lol. 
bdcambr   +1y
And this is what is posted as there status and mood:   StreetTrucks Magazine will be releasing its last issue ever this month. 1 hour ago. Mood: bankrupt
post photo
68meets72   +1y
If its true that sucks. One of my most fav mags. I just paid 2 years subscription not too long ago

Deluxe_D100   +1y
Edited: 1/30/2009 11:19:32 AM by Laid_Dakota

CCtuckinlexaniz   +1y
Edited: 1/30/2009 1:41:49 AM by CCtuckinlexaniz

^^^^^^^ wow i dont even know what to say!!!!! street source was my fav mag. i always want to b on the cover that was my goal! cant u just be like sorry ass truckin and put mostley ad's then actually truck coverage! even tho that would suck just so u guys dont go out!

mazdamini87   +1y
Wow that really sucks to hear