Turn the "super pivot" so the bolt is vertical. This is a practice that needs to be done more often. If it is a super pivot, it will have plenty of travel in it. It will be twice as strong with the bolt vertical. The loading on a wishbone is coming from the side (the wishbone controls the side to side tracking of your rear end), if you run the bolt horizontal it wants to push the ball out the side. If you run the bolt vertical it will push the ball into the side of the ball cup, thus being stronger. As far as seperation angles (the V) of the wishbone tubes, you want it as wide as possible. There are a lot of things that can limit this, so just stick with as wide as possible. As far as horizontal angles go, like some one already said... you want the imaginary, extended lines to intersect. Depending on where they intersect will determine how your rear end responds when you get on the gas. They should intersect around the front of the motor, and stay close in height to the front of the crank shaft. So if you aim for your pulley on the crankshaft, that would be perfect.