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Full Size Truckin General \  couple questions about my c-1500

couple questions about my c-1500

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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low mazda   +1y
OK, I just tried to put my drop spindles on and check out for my tie-rod notches. I don't have an engine in right now, and all it is, is a frame, so that may make a difference, but I cycled my suspension all the way up and down, and my tie rods are still almost an inch away from touching my frame.
1. Would the weight of the engine make a difference when cycleing the suspension to find this out? I am pretty sure. I got the clearance all the way around the bag, but this has me stumped.
2. Also, while bolting my new dropped spindles on, I noticed my ball joint on the lower passenger side is shot. How do I change these?
3. Also, what ball joints do you guys use. I figure if I gotta replace one, I might as well replace them all.
BTW it's an 88 since I know that matters.
1redchvy   +1y

Moog Ball joints..........
get twisted   +1y
what size wheels are you running and is it laid out all the way when down?   to change out the ball joints you have to cut the heads off the rivets holding them on and your new ones come with new bolts and as1redchvy said you want Moog brand.
project94   +1y

wut size wheels? 
laydout   +1y

Moog balljoints for sure! 
SoloSpecialties   +1y

another for Moog..i have some badass luck with them,best BJ for the money for sure. you wheels wheel play a role in ur tie rod notches,we need to what size ya got first. and i dont think the weight of the motor will matter.
low mazda   +1y

I am using stock wheels with a 27.5 inch tire right now, which is equal to a 245/40-20 I will be using. The truck is up on jackstands, so I have no clue if it's actually laying out. Reason I am asking about engine, it it's just a frame up in the air, when I put my suspension back together, I jacked it up and it got so far up and started lifting the whole thing up, and not just the arms anymore. As far as ball joints, I was actually meaning lowers. How do I get those out? I am hoping to put my cab back on some time this week or next, so maybe that wil help with the weight with cycleing my suspension. I am still stuck in the air about 20's or 22's. It's gonna be driven everywhere it goes, so most likely 20's with a decent size tire.
the lower balljoints should b pressed in, so they gotta b pressed out. some autoparts stores will rent out a tool for u to do this yourself or u can bring it to a shop to have them do it. uppers r riveted/bolted in.
1low68c10   +1y

he said lower balljoint the lower you'll need a balljoint remover moog balljoints all the way
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