low mazda
OK, I just tried to put my drop spindles on and check out for my tie-rod notches. I don't have an engine in right now, and all it is, is a frame, so that may make a difference, but I cycled my suspension all the way up and down, and my tie rods are still almost an inch away from touching my frame.
1. Would the weight of the engine make a difference when cycleing the suspension to find this out? I am pretty sure. I got the clearance all the way around the bag, but this has me stumped.
2. Also, while bolting my new dropped spindles on, I noticed my ball joint on the lower passenger side is shot. How do I change these?
3. Also, what ball joints do you guys use. I figure if I gotta replace one, I might as well replace them all.
BTW it's an 88 since I know that matters.