We've got some new shirts printed up and wanted to show you all we think they are pretty cool the black one has a fleur de lis on it that is cracked to look old the fleur de lis is kind of the logo of our city if you will, the white was is a pun on the miller genuine draft logo
If you want one Shirts are for sale for $13 Shipped sizes are L, XL, XXL shirts are made by GILDAN and are 100% cotton.
supplies are limited.
Left Side Front of shirt
Back of Shirt
Left Side of Front of Shirt
Back of Shirt
We also have 4 Beanies left for those of you that still need them they are $7 Shipped I only have 2 navy and 2 black
Look for us at Camp N Drag in Waveland, IN its a show you dont want to miss!