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Mini Truckin General \  how to ship wheels?

how to ship wheels?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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minitrucker04   +1y
well i am trying to buy some wheels from a guy in ca, and i am in tx. he went to ups and they said it would be 600 dollars to ship them, that is fing crazy. i was thinking like 250 to 300 dollars to ship them. so what do you think is the best way to ship theses wheels?
bodydropped85   +1y

truck frieght, prob be 100 bux.

have him send them in four diffrent boxes i sold a set of 24" with tires and UPS send it would be $70 a box to send form here (MO) to atl, GA  so it would only e around $300

when i checked truck they said around $500 and it had to be on a pallet and wrapped up, then the guy would have to go to there place to pick them up
scotto79   +1y
It was only $150 to get my 18s and tires from British Columbia to Ontario, across pretty much half the country.  And that was with UPS.  They had a piece of cardboard on each side, and the nylon straps wrapping each wheel individually.
Do UPS Ground, wrap up each rim/wheel you can get a price off there web site. What I did last time I shipped rims was go to NTB and ask them empty boxes. And when I shipped wheel & rim was put coardboard on each side of the rims and wrpped them  shrink wrap all the way there save and did not Fup the rims at all.( I thing mark all your boxes 1of4 2of4 and so on makes better for tracking.
bagged91mazda   +1y

Have him go to FEDEX its cheaper.I sent a set of 22s to tennesse for 150 bucks.All I had to do was wrape them up and ship is more expensive.Also if he has a mailboxit they are cheaper also
bagged91mazda   +1y

also if it is 300. if you have a 4cyl car you can drive there and back for that
slamdtaco   +1y

what size wheels? I've shipped chrome 18s putting 2 in each box and it's around $80-100 to ship anywhere in the us from south FL.
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