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Mini Truckin General \  my 99 ranger

my 99 ranger

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 286
replies 13
following 10
riddinlow99   +1y
picked up my 99 ranger in nov of 98 started playin with it 2 years ago it has def been a blast and a learning experience to say the least.before the bags  First time around sfbd on 20's current new sfbd on 22's paint coming in June   how it will look like next month
societyoutkast   +1y

wow thats sik u pretty much ditched ac lol....what all has to be done to be able to lay out on 20's ?? like as far as changin out the tranny member what all gets in the way of goin down
ElCadillacKid   +1y

your Ranger is awesome! how much work was it up front to fit the 22s? i wish i never sold my '99. keep us posted on the progress.


smctoy   +1y

sic mini!
22below   +1y
I like the future paint, you need some better pics of the truck. Maybe when the sun is out....
vcminitrucker4lyfe   +1y
Looking sick already. I can't wait to see her in paint. Keep up the good work.
riddinlow99   +1y
Ill be down at the Dells Automation show in a few hours so Ill get some good pics from outside and hopefully my hood will be done before we go
low mazda   +1y

sweet. going in the morning to pick one up thats sf'd on 20s.
riddinlow99   +1y
Almost didnt make it to the show my bolt fell out of the upper control arm and the wheel flopped in luckly nothing broke or got dinged. A farmer stopped by and happend to have a 4x6 and the correct size bolt with him in the truck dude definatly saved my ass had it back up and goin in under 15 min. Goin to go down and have the rim reballanced to see if it threw it off at all. Other than that was a great weekend had tons of people checking out the truck with good responses. cant wait till I get it painted
TwistedKreation   +1y

That paint scheme is going to look awesome on that truck! Good work so far. Which motor does it have?