have a very specific problem. the trans in my 99 s10 (4l60e) is apparently in limp-i/home mode. from what ive read, this is caused by a loss of power to the trans or a bad pcm/vcm. we b/d the truck and relocated the ecu and fuse box under the dash. trans shifted perfect b4. i am 95% certain that i have all grounds connected and all that was done was rerouting of the harnesses no cutting or splicing. ive found several wiring schematics for the trans but a couple were different. i need the help of a GM tech if possible. the diagrams i have show lettered pinoputs of the plugs but the plugs on the trans(range module and the other two harnesses) dont corrolate to the letters on the trans side. maybe the letters are on the ecu, but trying to troubleshoot without cutting the whole harness open again. other symptoms are the oil pressure gauge is pegged out (passed 80) and the prnd321 indicator light works when sitting at idle but goes off once moving. the trans has only 2,3, and reverse and gets very hot. i read that this is limp in/home mode and it causes the line pressure in trans to stay high. missed taking her to unite after an all nighter because of this.if u know a tech maybe they could help. sucks having a b/d truck for the first time and being unable to drive it. also no, i havent had it scanned yet. just want to see if i could get a pinout of the actual connectors at the trans. thanks for any help or suggestions.