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Mini Truckin General \  Street Source, New Direction.. What ya think?

Street Source, New Direction.. What ya think?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 411
replies 38
following 36
SSM-Webmaster   +1y

thanks guys.. if you ever have any suggestions to make it better feel free to post em in the comments/suggestions forum.. anything we can do to make the site better i will try to make happen..
low4lif   +1y

I love the new site and the direcctiong its going in is great. It a lot cleaner and al lot less hate. Great Job guys. Thanks street source team for making this a great site.

flameds10(tyler)   +1y

yea you guys are doin a real good job, i am finding myself on here alot more again like i used to be, Great work ,thank you
leydbck   +1y
. Always the first website I go to, Love it here. Good job.
post photo
post photo
twistedsdime   +1y
It's really turning around. Keep up the great work Kris!
jumbo   +1y

when i get my suburban back, i'll be on here much more often, but i'm glad it's going in a positive direction since i popped for a lifetime membership!!  And where's my t-shirt?!?!?!?!?!! hahahahahahaha
menace   +1y

The new ssm is great, im on here everyday... I just upgraded for a year to show my support. Also, will I get my shirt? I paid extra for one, and what does it look like?

02ramon20s   +1y

im on here everyday, been with this site for many years, and absolutly loved the new direction its going. Between sponsors to new forum options, to new graphics. The changes that have been made, all have been for the best.
thenickster   +1y

Like others have said, I used to check this site often, then just stopped. Slowly coming back, but it's looking good so far.
GraphicDisorder   +1y

Thanks for the nice comments guys, Kris and I did a bunch of work to fix/change this site both visually and in function.  Moderators have also been a big help with controling drama and organizing topics and posts.  So big thanks to them as well. Also thanks to the members.  People have over all stopped coming here to call out people, or air their drama.  Sure it still happens but its on a much smaller scale now and people are being more adult about it.  I think that is an important step.  Maybe this behavior will filter down some into the real world and we can start losing less shows and gaining more lasting friendships. With the addition of Bob, Johnny, and the contributors to the magazine this site and magazine has taken even another step forward and I am sure what we will have for you soon willl be something you will like.