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Mini Truckin General \  trucks tv

trucks tv

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 190
replies 9
following 8
chopedmazda   +1y
does anyone have a link to the trucks tv episode with project body bag?
Deluxe_D100   +1y
Here is part 2....part 1 is prolly also on this site, watched it again tonight
chopedmazda   +1y

thnx man i was looking for tht website
low mazda   +1y

why buy it when you can watch it without?
Deluxe_D100   +1y
Anyone know if they are going to finish the truck like they said? I sent an email to them, but I don't expect a reply.
minitrucker6669   +1y
hah i got the first and second on tape..i recorded them...i heard a while bac that they werent going to finish it and they sold it off but who knows
pugz   +1y

Pt's 1-3 are on itunes for liek 1.99 a piece. the guy who helped was eric from LIL SHOP O HORRORS
Dejavu   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Laid_DakotaAnyone know if they are going to finish the truck like they said? I sent an email to them, but I don't expect a reply.---------------------------------------------

who did you email? was it eric or the show?
smurfanater   +1y

yea they did sell it it what eric from little shop told me and you can watch those trucks episodes at his web site p.s. I heard they pretty much gave it away..
Dejavu   +1y
eric has it at his shop as of april 25th doing a few knick knack things for the new owner
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