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South East \  if your comin through ATL on the way to STC...

if your comin through ATL on the way to STC...

South East Regional
views 855
replies 8
following 5
bodydropped85   +1y
be aware, there is road construction in my county on I85, its 2 lanes with no were to go in some parts. roughly from exit 61-35. its not THAT bad, but if your towing it can get nerve racking, also the speed limit is 50 through here, so watch out for the po po.
check for up to date traffic.
twistedsdime   +1y

Georgia's offical colors should be construction orange and white.
bodydropped85   +1y
watch out for downtown atl also, they dont like it to much when u run 90 in the HOV lane towing haha.
east*coast*nomad   +1y

ill be rolling through there about 3am thurs morning, will it be bad bout that time?
CHUNK91   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by slammedfoolill be rolling through there about 3am thurs morning, will it be bad bout that time?---------------------------------------------prob. thats when they work on the roads here.( generally till about 5am ) Just be careful,like James said the cops will pull you over if your doing 5mph. over the speed limit.
twistedsdime   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by slammedfoolill be rolling through there about 3am thurs morning, will it be bad bout that time?---------------------------------------------You lucky bastard! I want to leave Wednesday night too!
bodydropped85   +1y

yea just watch for semis, they like to roll over were the lanes switch.
gimp5561   +1y

any time in the ATL sucks  IMO  they are allways working on something in that  state
bodydropped85   +1y

yea they can just repave a road then re do it for no reason lol.
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