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Full Size Truckin General \  78 Bronco-

78 Bronco-

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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layingnutz   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by OutkastWagon51That's awesome. And Jason I have been watching yours since the begining on the Acro site. I hope to see it at a show one day. So Josh why not finish the supercab in ur profile first that things sweet as well.-------------------------------------------

thanks man.  i actually took a break on mine for a little while to redo my f150.  i just finished gatherin everything for the changes im makin to the bronco.  its getting stretched to a 4 door and its getting duallied and gettin a powerstroke.  i got everything so here in the next few weeks im gettin back on it.  should be sick... 4 door dually bronco on 22 alcoas.
fknlowjeep   +1y

thanks Chad, I've been wanting to do one of these for a few years now, this one kinda just fell into my lap... Jason-  That would be bad ass to see one as a crew cab dually! yours is already pretty damn sweet.... i've been following yours already...   I can't wait to keep getting farther along with the bronco, this is the first project i've done in a while that actually gets me pretty excited, lol.
minitrucker6669   +1y
holy crap its about damn time! ive always wanted to see one dropped instead of lifted
fknlowjeep   +1y

  <---  Body mounts<--- engine/suspension crossmember tack welded together and in
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fknlowjeep   +1y

<-- no explanation needed, except i wish i would have waited and got Hydroholics stuff.<-- cleaning up the "donor" rearend<-- thats a big ass gas tank, 33 gallon damn<--donor front clip ready for disassembly
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TexasKhaos   +1y

Badass man.. My cousin has been looking at a '69 bronco pick up he wants to buy..
fknlowjeep   +1y

i've seen the one frame for that body style bronco on here, but never seen one actually laid out- that would be awesome!  Thanks for the post Jonathon!  I just keep postin pics, lol i know that of the 25 posts probably 20 of them are mine, lol.  Maybe eventually i will be far enough along that people will actually be interested. hehehe.
98dakota20   +1y

looks good man, cant wait to see the frame done.
beanz   +1y

this is going to be a sick ride. keep the pics and good work coming bro.
IGotIssues   +1y

Great choice for type of suspension.  As soon as I opened this post, I was hoping to see fluid.  I can't wait to see this build as it progesses.