Edited: 7/23/2009 2:23:30 PM by 2ToneSolara
Figured it's time for me to start a build log on here. It's on a 2000 Toyota Solara. I bent a strut a little while back and have been talking to Derek ever since. I have to say these guys are great and have some of the best customer service of anywhere I have ever seen. Thanks for all the help Derek! Anyways this build won't be quite as fast as some of theirs haha. I figure on having it done in about 2 weeks considering my set up will make it here to Tennessee at the start of next week, but I already have a decent start on some other stuff. Anyways on to the pics!
All the plumbing inside the car will be hardline. This is just the start of my box and stereo part. I am starting my trim panels and cleaning up the wiring tonight. Hopefully everything will work out smooth on the first try.