Post was last edited on May 01, 2010 02:05. This post has been edited 1
im short and fat too bro maybe we should start a club like the NDOCDS we could be the fat boys of dually scene FBDS or some crap like that haha
Post was last edited on May 01, 2010 02:05. This post has been edited 1
pig rig
I'm fat with no legs also but I haven't always been like that, once I kicked that aides sh!!t I really put some weight on
Post was last edited on May 01, 2010 02:05. This post has been edited 1
damn midgets over there use tal lguys need big trucks u midgets can get into anything...
woo hoo i moved from my crappy apartment to a house go me with a garage.... pics to come
im about 5-6 or so
and your right short people can fit anywhere unless you are fat then getting under the truck can sometimes be an issue thats why we have skinny freinds
pig rig
just got back from seeing korn and I got my ass beat in the pit and I'm going to fill really old in the morning
^^^ hell you are really old and have no bus in the pit at a korn concert.