dear husband :
i'm writhing u this letter to tell you i'm leaving you for ever
for 7 years i've been a good wife to you and i have nuttin to show for it
the last two wheeks have been a livin hell
when youre boss called to tell me you quit i decided enough is enough
only last week you came home and didnt even noticed that i had my hair and nails done
i cooked youre favourite dinner porkchops and carrots and dressed in a brandnew neglige just for the occasion but all you did when you came home is sit down chow down the food and sit in front of the tv and whent to sleep right after the match
you never tell me you love me or hugg me anymore this can mean two things either you cheat on me or you dont love me no more
whatever the reason is im out of here
PS: if you trying to find me forget it
youre BROTHER and me are flying off to mexico to build a nice life on our own , you have a nice life without me
youre ex wife
when the wife and her new boyfriend where waiting at the aitrport her name was anounced and she whent to the the servicedesk to see what was going on
she was handed a letter specially delivered by koerier :
dear ex wife
nuttin gave me more joy than reading youre letter today
allthough its tru that you've been married to me for 7 years you certanly havent been a good wife to me
i only watch the sports channel to avoid youre constant nagging , unfortunately it hardly ever worked
i HAD seen that you had youre hair cut off last week and the first thing that came to mind is that you now looked like a man
my mother told me that if you dont have anything good to say to better not speak at all so i didnt mentioned it .
when you made my favorite food you clearly mistaken me for my brother since i stopped eating pork 7 years ago
i whent to bed early that day because i've seen the pricetag on that neglige and was hoping it was only pure coincidence that my brother asked me to borrow 50 bucks that day and the neglige was 49,99
dispite all this i still loved you and was trying hard to make things work between us
when i found out this morning that i won the lottery mainprice of 12 milion dollar i whent to my boss and quit my job and after that whent to the travelagency to get two one way tickets to the bahama's and whent home to suprize you .
but when i got home i found youre letter instead
whell everything has its reason i think , i hope you will be verry happy and live the life youre allways wanted
my lawyer told me after reading youre letter that i dont have to pay you a thing so have a good life
PS; i don't know if i ever told you about the fact that my brother used to be my sister , but i guess that whont be a problem no more
was signed